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On SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2019 from 10:30 AM - 4 PM, the Students Advancing Brain Cancer Research (SABCR) will be holding its annual Encephaloma: A Clinical Case Debate. This unprecedented FREE, one-day event will serve as a learning tool for undergraduate students to engage in the simulation of current healthcare issues surrounding challenging brain tumour cases.

Judges will be present to evaluate your ideas and the top 3 deserving teams will be prized winners.


The event will be held at McMaster University, location room: TBD
Students will collaborate in teams to diagnose challenging brain tumour cases, propose the best relevant combination of co-treatments, and defend their statements through a mock clinical debate. Please bring your laptops for the research!


To register, sign-up in the Google Form below, either as an individual (we'll seek to put you into a group!) or in pre-assembled teams of 3-4 people by: THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 2019 at 11:59 PM. This is a free event open to all students currently in an undergraduate program at McMaster University.


Thank You For Registering!

 Address. 1280 Main St. Hamilton, ON, L8S 4L8

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